August 1, 2013

Hiyama Studio Work Included in International Publication – Showcase 500 Art Necklaces
July 2013 ยท Lark Jewelry and Beading
Ray Hemachandra and Chunghi Choo
Sterling Publishing
ISBN 978-1-4547-0352-5
Carole Grisham’s art jewelry – “Creamsicle (page 54) and “Butter Cream” (page 362) – are included in Sterling Publishings newly released “Showcase 500 Art Necklaces”. Photographs of more than 500 pieces of jewelry from 475 artists are showcased in this extraordinary international collection juried by renowwned artist and F. Wendell Miller Distinguished Professor of Art, University of Iowa, Chunghi Choo. Hiyama Studios is proud to be included in this collection.
Categories: Publications